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  • #3999647

    Battery Not Recognized, Short Circuit, $77 ‘Fix’

    by a1ndrozz ·


    Model: Asus ROG GL503VD

    Hi! So I’ve been having problems with my laptop lately. There was one incident when the charger seemed to have short circuited and it shut the laptop down. I was not able to open it for a couple of days after that. I had it checked and they confirmed it with a circuit tester. (Idk how it works, but apparently the needle shouldn’t be moving and should just be steady.)

    I wasn’t able to get it fixed then for various reasons including budget. What do you guys suggest I do? They said I had to pay $77 for the fix + the specific part they are gonna replace. I tried looking for other places and most others only offer a whole motherboard replacement… and I definitely cannot afford that. Should I risk the $77 fix?

    I had the battery disconnected but still mounted inside for safety reasons and I am able to use it now by plugging it in. But I move around a lot and having to plug it in every time isn’t very convenient for me.

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    • #3999733
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      77 is a bargain.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Battery Not Recognized, Short Circuit, $77 ‘Fix’

      Here the counter fee is a minimum $150 so if you didn’t take their offer my view is you didn’t know this was a bargain!

    • #3999744
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      Reply To: Battery Not Recognized, Short Circuit, $77 ‘Fix’

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Battery Not Recognized, Short Circuit, $77 ‘Fix’

      $77 is much better than having to buy a new computer any day. If it works great, if not, ehh. No big loss.

    • #4000064
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      You didn’t mention

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Battery Not Recognized, Short Circuit, $77 ‘Fix’

      What is the $77 fix they told you about? What part/component?

    • #4019504

      Reply To: Battery Not Recognized, Short Circuit, $77 ‘Fix’

      by Johnharper2020 ·

      In reply to Battery Not Recognized, Short Circuit, $77 ‘Fix’

      One of the failure modes of batteries is an internal short. Be glad it seems to be a low level short, or else worst case is that the battery could have exploded in a ball of flames.

      You should not attempt to use that battery ever again.

      That is an older laptop, and the batteries are harder to find. The places that do have it are listing it for about US$50, so $77 to have them replace it isn’t a bad deal, assuming they’re putting in a new battery and not a used one. I would guess given your finances that a $77 repair would be much preferable to a new laptop.

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