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  • #4286931

    Benefits of migrating to AWS

    by 10pezliam1001 ·

    Hi! I currently run a small retail business and I’m looking to migrate to a cloud platform.

    AWS is definitely the most popular and commonly used, but I’d like to know particular benefits of migration. Like what does it offer in terms of things like performance or security?

    Thanks in advance!

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    • #4286946
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      Reply To: Benefits of migrating to AWS

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Benefits of migrating to AWS

      Please tell more about your current IT. What exactly would you want to move from something local to something in the cloud?

    • #4286988
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      Can you afford it?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Benefits of migrating to AWS

      And by afford I am not writing about the monthly fees but when Amazon decides your products compete with theirs and they take down your systems.

      No. You don’t willingly give them control of your business.

    • #4287359


      by angelsmonitoring ·

      In reply to Benefits of migrating to AWS

      Migrating to AWS offers numerous benefits, including scalability, cost efficiency, enhanced security, and access to a wide range of services. AWS provides pay-as-you-go pricing, reducing infrastructure costs, while offering tools for automation and global reach. Additionally, its robust security features, reliability, and ability to support innovation make it a leading choice for businesses of all sizes.

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