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  • #2142041

    Best budget CPU for gaming

    by jmochii ·


    Hi, I am struggling to find a CPU for a pc that I’m about to build for gaming, Minecraft with shaders in particular. I have a very tight budget of £50 for a CPU so eBay or 2nd stuff is probably best. I’m not looking for any CPU in particular, but it would preferably be reasonably good for gaming, and not so old either: so maybe only a couple or a few years old at the most, because my friend is lending me a 1060 GPU which only supports CPUs later than itself . Does anyone know any cheap CPUs which are good at processing , i can get for second hand cheap? It’s alot to ask but if anyone has any ideas or if anyone could send a link (I live in the UK) for a CPU it would be much appreciated 🙂

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    • #2417688
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      Say what?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Best budget CPU for gaming

      Over at I shared the last hurrah upgrades to a Core2Quad HP d4999t.

      So I have to ask where you got this information about “only supports CPUs later than itself”.

      I’d like to see you find something like the i5-2500 or better but as you are where you are, I can’t guess what your market there is like. Here I have groupon, amazon, and more to check out for refurbs.

      Another problem with obtaining just the CPU is that you would then struggle to fine a motherboard for that old CPU. I think it best you look for complete PCs that you can install your good graphics card into.

    • #2417598

      Re – Best budget CPU for gaming

      by billyfeltrop ·

      In reply to Best budget CPU for gaming

      Processors are the most important component of any computer system, so you don’t take it easy because might not seem like the place to look for savings.I am sharing some of the best cheap processors that are fast and while keeping an accessible price tag.

      AMD Ryzen 3 3300X
      AMD Ryzen 3 3100
      Intel Core i3-9100
      Intel Pentium Gold G5400

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