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  • #4202550

    Best Ryzen laptop to buy in 2023

    by danialmicheal779 ·

    I’m currently looking for a new laptop and have heard that Ryzen-powered devices are among the best in 2023. Can you provide information on your top Ryzen laptop model for this year? I’m interested in specs, performance features, and any unique selling points. Thank you.

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    • #4202647
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      Reply To: Best Ryzen laptop to buy in 2023

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Best Ryzen laptop to buy in 2023

      Your question is impossible to answer without knowing more about your computer needs (RAM, SDD/HDD, processor speed, graphics requirements, budget, etc).

    • #4202825
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Best Ryzen laptop to buy in 2023

      My son picked up some monster of a laptop with the i9, 64GB RAM, RTX 4070 and it was well below 2K USD. Why would I not get one of those?

      • #4203269
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        Reply To: Best Ryzen laptop to buy in 2023

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to Why?

        We don’t know the OP’s budget yet or where they are. As far as we know, they have $1000 USD budget which is clearly much less than $2K. Hard to offer an opinion on a specific model laptop without more information.

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