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  • #4214267

    Big Surprise, Big Phone

    by emailtosanjay65 ·


    Thinking of surprising my girlfriend with an iPhone 14 Pro Max, she’s currently using iPhone XR. I think she’d really like this upgrade. But you think pro max would be the right one? I’m a little confused between pro and pro max, as she doesn’t really care about the screen size and isn’t a heavy user.
    Also saw the Protect+ plan for damage online. Seems handy, but wondering if it’s worth the extra scratch? What do you guys think?

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    • #4214269
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      Reply To: Big Surprise, Big Phone

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Big Surprise, Big Phone

      My suggestion: let her choose between 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro or 14 Pro Max. And, of course, also include the various variants of the newer iPhone 15 in the collection to choose from. Why limit yourself to the 14 series? And, of course, let her choose the color also.
      After all, she has to use it, not you, so it are her preferences that count, not yours. Maybe she prefers a small phone.

      It’s up to you to decide on the Protect+ plan. In fact, on any insurance that offers more than the standard Apple warranty already does. What insurance do you have for your own phone? If none, why should you do it for this one? If the most expensive, why shouldn’t you do it for this one?

      • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • #4214419

        Reply To: Big Surprise, Big Phone

        by emailtosanjay65 ·

        In reply to Reply To: Big Surprise, Big Phone

        I was looking to surprise her, but you have a good point. She’s the one who’s going to use it so it’s better to let her decide. I personally didn’t take any protection for my phone, but I wish I had when dropped it and the screen went bust. I don’t want her to have a similar experience.

    • #4214630

      Reply To: Big Surprise, Big Phone

      by vaskyri2 ·

      In reply to Big Surprise, Big Phone

      If she’s happy with her current XR size-wise, the Pro could be perfect.

      • #4215007
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        Reply To: Big Surprise, Big Phone

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to Reply To: Big Surprise, Big Phone

        Yes, “excercise” is a healthy habit, I don’t know if that answers the OP’s question.

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