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    Bluetooth requires troubleshooter fix daily

    by cpetersen77 ·

    Computer with Bluetooth headset loses audio and device manager shows error on bluetooth driver. Using bluetooth troubleshooter, “Check Bluetooth Radio Status” comes up as “fixed” and then headset works again. This error comes up daily.

    So far I’ve uninstalled Bluetooth driver and reinstalled, to which the fix only comes temporarily.

    How can I either disable the driver from reinstalling (we can use a USB bluetooth key), or reinstall the driver with a permanant fix?

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      Can’t answer.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Bluetooth requires troubleshooter fix daily

      I don’t see makes, models of the PC, this Bluetooth card or USB dongle so it’s only possible to guess. But there are things to try.

      1. It’s under warranty. Why must you or I fix it?
      2. “Did you turn it off and on again?”
      “To turn Bluetooth on and off, open the Windows 10 Action Center, select the Bluetooth tile to turn it off, wait several seconds, then select the Bluetooth tile again to turn it on.”
      3. If you suspect Microsoft is updating the driver, disable that. Here’s one about Windows 10:
      4. MOVE the Bluetooth devices closer to each other.
      5. If the headset is paired with phone, tablet or something else, remove such pairing for now.
      6. Do over: Remove the Bluetooth device and re-add it. Open the Windows 10 Start menu, then select Settings > Devices. Locate your Bluetooth device from the list of connected devices, and select its name. Then, select Remove device. Restart the computer, and then pair the device. This process often corrects any problems that were associated with the initial Bluetooth pairing.
      7. Use some other make.model USB Bluetooth dongle.

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