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  • #2080563

    Bootable CD


    by corky132 ·

    What is the easiest way to make a bootable CD that goes directly into DOS?? We use Ghost which requires DOS, but sometimes the A: drives are messed up. There’s got to be a way, it should be so easy, but…


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    • #3895160

      Bootable CD

      by calves ·

      In reply to Bootable CD

      have you ever tried burning the system files to the CD and set the boot order on CMOS to CD first?
      If you not sure, create a diskette boot disk and copy those files to the CD.


    • #3895154

      Bootable CD

      by miked ·

      In reply to Bootable CD

      after you burn a bootable CD … or maybe before

      Your CD must be ATAPI compliant IDE type and your bios must recognize it in the boot sequence. That would generally imply a relatively recent PC.

      Hope this helps

    • #3894020

      Bootable CD

      by dle ·

      In reply to Bootable CD

      What is the program you use to burn your CD? I use EZ CD Creator and my process is something like this:
      1. Change the CD file format to ISO 9660 so that it will be bootable by checking on the option box.
      2. Insert a bootable DOS diskette with the CD-ROM drivers for your systems. (Win98 boot diskette works great for this)

      3. As soon as you click on OK it will copy the entire boot diskette into 2 files (BOOTCAT.BIN and BOOTIMG.BIN)
      4. Copy these 2 files along with the Ghost.exe and the ghost image onto the CD.
      5. Configure BIOS boot sequence to have CDROM as the first boot device.
      6. After booting up with the CDROM, switch to the CD Drive letter and run Ghost.exe.

      Here is a link for more info:

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