I use the init 6, which is a reboot on Solaris to boot other systems that are remote. A reboot should work also.
Any other kind of boot, you’ll need to make sure someone is there to finish bringing it up! (smile)
Good luck
You’ll need to be root, then type
#init 6
Init 6 is a reboot on Solaris to boot other systems that are remote, I think it works on other flavors of unix.
A reboot should work also.
Any other kind of boot, like an init 0 (power down), you’ll needto make sure someone is there to finish bringing it up! (smile)
Good luck
I must be missing something. Under HP-UX, establish a remote session (i.e. rlogin as root) and cd / then shutdown -r 0. Unless the kernel is bad, it should come up. However, if the reason you are re-booting is because you have changed the kernel configuration, have your car keys handy because there is a chance you may have to visit the computer. (Smile)