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  • #2141057

    Brightness Problem on Windows 10 Desktop

    by sagarsteel58 ·

    I’m having a problem with brightness on Windows 10 Home Desktop. I noticed an option to adjust the brightness of the display in the control panel and settings, but there is no such option, only the night mode option.

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    • #2419738
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      Re: brightness

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Brightness Problem on Windows 10 Desktop

      Two places to change it:
      1. The monitor. The user manual tells how to do that.
      2. The graphic properties of your video card. Reach them via a right click on an empty part of the desktop. Details depend of the video card, so you might have to seach a little bit through tabs and options.

    • #2413361
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      Not all desktop displays can do this!

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Brightness Problem on Windows 10 Desktop

      Best answer I’ve seen is:
      “You will only have the ability to have Windows control brightness if your monitor supports it, most don’t. Most desktops can only be adjusted via their hardware buttons/interface, not by software.”

      You will see the brightness control in almost every laptop, desktop option is rare to see.

      -> But let’s not give up so quickly. Try AUTOHOTKEY and the usual scripts from:

      • #2413356
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        Re: brightness

        by kees_b ·

        In reply to Not all desktop displays can do this!

        I checked this on my desktop with a MS B85-G43 motherboard from 2014.

        The graphics settings for the integrated Intel 4600 under color settings have sliders for brightness, contrast and gamma, for all colors or for blue, green and red separately.
        That’s not Control Panel or Windows 10 settings, indeed.

        My HP Elite Display E231 (1920×1080 LCD, connected via DVI) does what I expect if I change the settings of the sliders. I’m really surprised to read this behaviour described as ‘rare’.

        • #2413354
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          At home, office and lab

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Re: brightness

          The few desktops we have left, not one shows the Windows 10 Control Panel brightness control.

          But as you noted the Intel has controls and here on this desktop I’m on right now, the Nvidia Control Panel offers same/similar sliders but still the Microsoft Control Panel option is no where to be found.

          To be clear, the Microsoft Windows 10 Control Panel Brightness slider was not found on the last dozen desktops at the office. On the laptops? All of them show this control in the Microsoft Windows 10 Control Panel.

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