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  • #4010437

    Browser problem

    by zlzpqx ·

    Though Vivaldi browser is not very well known, I have been using it for three years in Windows 10, and I like it very much. It works excellently. (I also have Google Chrome as a standby browser.)

    About a week ago, a weird problem has popped up with Vivaldi when I use it in Windows 10. (It is not there with Chrome nor does it SEEM to be there when I use Vivaldi on Android.).

    The problem is this:

    When I access any particular website (say one of my bookmarked websites) using Vivaldi on my PC, for a while there is no problem; but when I access any websites after a while, all of a sudden, instead of getting the accessed websites on my PC monitor, I get blank pages containing only a thumbnail image of a dead bird with its feet up! (The previously opened web pages in other tabs stay open, with no problem.)

    I have found that the temporary solution, which works only for a while, is to end the “processing” of Vivaldi in my PC’s Task Manager, and reopen Vivaldi. But that solution works ONLY for a short while. Reinstalling Vivaldi has not proved to be a solution.

    Vivaldi owners do have an excellent support group that responds to queries about any (rare) problems in Vivaldi. So I sent them an email about my above problem. A person from that support group responded saying that he had not found the same problem in his tests, nor could he figure out what the source of my above problem might be. Still I thought that a pro in this forum might be able to figure out the source of the problem.

    Thank you!

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    • #4010439
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      I’d hit Reddit for this one.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Browser problem for example. At the top at this moment is a quick fix for an issue.

      Frankly this sounds like the problem is just on your PC so you get to head back to stock until you find the problem. I’ve lost count of ISP, DNS and driver issues that cause such things.

      Also, I am never so stuck that I won’t use Chrome or another browser.

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