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  • #2143553

    Bsod and boot loop

    by ug311 ·


    While I was using my PC, the screen suddenly froze and nothing seemed to work and there was a buzzing sound coming from the headphones so I shut down the PC (holding the power button for 3 seconds) and when it restarted, there was a BSOD and the PC restarted again, after that, it went it a continuous boot loop. I have tried reseating the ram, using another boot drive, resetting BIOS but nothing seems to work.

    Any ideas why and how to fix it?

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  • Author
    • #2421867

      Bsod and boot loop

      by matthewdupreez ·

      In reply to Bsod and boot loop


      Sounds like hardware failure. Are you able to run a full hardware diagnostics when first booting? Depending on your make, should be F2?

      Otherwise, are you able to boot into safe mode?

      If not, maybe try to rebuild your BCD and see if you can boot?

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