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  • #2073650



    by dixon_fe ·

    I have a AMD K-6/2 w/3d Now Technologies system, 256 Mb of PC-100 SDRAM, Voodoo3 3000 AGP video card on a Soyo motherboard, and constantly get BSOD’s. The situation: I had problems with my last motherboard and power supply. Since I have rebuilt my system and verified the correct operation of my hardware, I installed Windows 2000 Professional (which worked with no problem), but when I found that it was did not support the version of Boot Magic that I have, I decided to format the drive and put Win 98 SE back on it. Now, on a rather frequent basis (multiple times per hour), I get tons of BSOD’s referring to invalid VxD’s. It worked correctly for one day prior to getting these errors. Other problems include: instant loss of network connection from (don’t laugh) AOL. Doesn’t even give me the common courtesy of saying “goodbye”. 🙂 Certain software, like ICQ, performs an illegal operation EVERY time it is initialized.
    Any ideas? At this point, I am willing to try anything. Thanks.


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    • #3893560


      by mckaytech ·

      In reply to BSOD’s

      It sounds like your Windows98 installation probably installed some default drivers that don’t agree with your hardware – in particular, I would suspect the AGP video drivers just based on my recent experience.

      The VXDs are trying to tell you whatthe problem is, but unfortunately they speak a language all their own. Usually, though, there is at least a little bit of a hint in the VXD name as to what it does and what device or program it might be related to.

      If you could share some of those specific error messages, I’m sure that someone on the forum will be able to make some sense of them.



      • #3776335


        by dixon_fe ·

        In reply to BSOD’s

        It was the hard drive itself that was bad. Unrecoverable ECC & CRC errors. Just happy it’s still under warranty. Thanks for your help.

    • #3894707


      by Anonymous ·

      In reply to BSOD’s

      Reinstall. From scratch, and no ‘boot magic’ installations. Something has gone awry with your Win98 subsystem.

      If you don’t want to reinstall….AOL hangs up on everybody, (i don’t have it, but my dad and some of my friends do). So, I wouldn’t count that against your PC. ICQ, maybe there’s a win98 version. Patch it….Delete all network drivers and dial up networking (remove) and then reinstall…Then download the latest drivers for your video card and other hardware..

      • #3776336


        by dixon_fe ·

        In reply to BSOD’s

        No boot magic installations were performed. The hard drive was slicked and fresh installs were made.
        Downloaded Maxtor’s HDDUtil, and it appears that the hard drive is bad. Thanks for the help.

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