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  • #2092013

    Cable Router


    by dksj ·

    My friend just recently bought a Netgear cable router to hook up two computers to his ATT Roadrunner service. Originally when the tech came out to set up a single computer to the modem he set it up to recieve IP dynamically (DHCP). So when my friendset up his router he also set it up for DHCP. Therefore both the router and computers were configured to DHCP. He was then unable to access the Internet. He rebooted the computers with no avail. The setup should have been simple. Is there some way that ATT prevents users from connecting more than one computer using a router and if so why? What troubleshooting steps should he take.

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    • #3865315

      Cable Router

      by fanakart ·

      In reply to Cable Router


      I’ve seen that same kind of proble yesterday: PC was connected to cable modem and then a router was put in place.

      Turned out that the IP address the PC got in the first place was still active (didn’t time out). So the PC was not going through the router because it had no route to it (probably on the 192.168.X.Y network).

      What to do: run winipcfg on the PC and make the lease expire then ask for a new one. You should now get an IP on the 192.168 segment) and internet should be there for you.

      Try also to configure the router to request a new lease when his expires.

      Good luck.


      • #3861561

        Cable Router

        by dksj ·

        In reply to Cable Router

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3865221

      Cable Router

      by stillatit ·

      In reply to Cable Router

      Roadrunner keeps track of the MAC address (ethernet card hard-wired address) which is requesting an IP. Only the number which was registered will work. The number registered is the number of the workstation the tech installed.

      Netgear routers (atleast the 311 and 314) have a spoofing feature, which tells the router to get the MAC address from a particular workstation and spoof that address when talking to Roadrunner. Use winipcfg on the workstation which the tech installed, find out which IP address the router gave it, (should be and tell the router to spoof that workstation’s MAC address.

      In some areas of the country Roadrunner uses a login password system. If it does in your area, you need this information in the router also.

      The router has two separate DHCP settings. The router can GET ITS ADDRESS from Roadrunner using DHCP. It can also act as a DHCP server for internal workstations. You probably want both on.

      At the risk of sounding trite, READ THE MANUAL. The full manual is on the CD in the package, in PDF format. The printed installation doc in the packaging is not really complete. The web site also has all the manuals.

      Good luck.

      • #3861562

        Cable Router

        by dksj ·

        In reply to Cable Router

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3866231

      Cable Router

      by tuqan ·

      In reply to Cable Router

      1) disconnect the router from the system
      2) unplug the power plug from the back of the cable modem and allow it to reset itself
      3) On the Host Computer ONLY: Add/Remove Programs\Internet Tools\Internet Connection Sharing…follow the wizard.
      4) Take the Router back to the store. You payed for Windows so get your monies worth. You don’t need a Router for 2 computers when the solution is already available.

      • #3861559

        Cable Router

        by dksj ·

        In reply to Cable Router

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3861560

      Cable Router

      by dksj ·

      In reply to Cable Router

      This question was closed by the author

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