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    Cache removes saved passwords in chrome, what should I do?

    by tanveerceo73 ·

    Hello seniors,
    When I try to remove caches in chrome it also removes the saved passwords and autofill data. I went to advance delete browsing data and I unchecked the passwords and autofill data but after clearing it removed my saved passwords as well. There were many important passwords like my website 8171 check online CNIC, WordPress and also Amazon seller accounts. Now I’m helpless because when I try to recover passwords then specially on Amazon I didn’t get OTPs in Pakistan. Is there any solution for this problem?
    I will be grateful if someone give a better solution.

    M Tanveer

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      Reply To: Cache removes saved passwords in chrome, what should I do?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Cache removes saved passwords in chrome, what should I do?

      Sorry to read this.

      It’s unclear why Chrome did this. Better experiment a little bit in a new (temporary) Windows account to see if it happens there also and if it’s possible to circumvent, so it won’t happen again. Until you know it’s safe, don’t do it again in your normal account. shows how to manage the cache size in Chrome. Set it to a size that you find acceptable and then let Chrome manage it. On most machines 500 MB or 1 GB is a small amount of space and then there is no real need to ever clean it.

      Anyway, your experience shows the truth of what we say here: “You will sooner or later lose what you don’t backup”. So it’s essential to always have a backup of what you don’t want to lose. For example, find out where Chrome stores passwords, and make a regular backup of that. Or use a password managerf like Lastpass, which stores it in the cloud. Moreover, you’ll need it if you ever replace your current device by a new one.
      It’s like having a spare key of your house with a trusted friend or family member, so you can use that if you ever lose it.

      For your issues with Amazon, contact their customer service. There’s nothing we can do for you there.

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