
  • Creator
  • #4259340

    Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?


    by Oblivion99 ·

    Dear all

    If my laptop has wifi turned on – but is not connected to a network or another device.

    Can a hacker see my laptop and connect to my laptop?

    Thank you

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    • #4259362
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      Reply To: Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

      It’s possible, but unlikely. Don’t forget that Wi-Fi has a limited range. If it concerns you, just shut off the feature until you need to use it.

    • #4259366
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      Reply To: Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

      by Wizard57M-TR ·

      In reply to Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

      The more likely scenario is that of the miscreant ( I prefer to use that term rather than the misused “hacker” nomenclature) setting up at an “open” unsecured WiFi access point, waiting for the naive user to use the WiFi there. Every operating system I’ve used in the last 20 something years have controls over when the user turns on and connects to a WiFi access point. Prior to that I didn’t have WiFi, LOL, only dialup! You know, “56 KBPS”, but alas, I started when 300 baud was considered “fast”! Shucks, when I acquired a 2400 baud modem, WHEW, now we’re flyin’!

    • #4259367
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      Reply To: Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

      Assuming you talk about Windows, can you explain what “turned on” is? How do you turn on without connecting to some WiFi source, and how do you turn off when not connected?

    • #4260036

      Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network

      by harmakr26 ·

      In reply to Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

      If your laptop’s Wi-Fi is on but not connected to a network, it’s less likely to be seen by hackers, but it’s not totally hidden.

    • #4265440

      Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

      by pelorustechnologies ·

      In reply to Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

      If your laptop’s Wi-Fi is turned on but not connected to a network, it is unlikely a hacker can connect to it directly. However, some vulnerabilities could still expose your device, such as unpatched Wi-Fi protocols or specific network scanning tools. To enhance security, it’s advisable to keep your system updated and disable Wi-Fi when not in use. Always enable firewalls and security features for added protection.

      • #4266805

        More questions

        by Oblivion99 ·

        In reply to Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

        Hack direct access, without need of an network?
        Possible, how?

        What security measures does Windows have to prevent this?

        Where on the hacker-scale are?
        Good hacker to NSA-level.

        Thank you

        • #4283809

          Easy answer to question 2

          by oh smeg ·

          In reply to More questions

          None what so ever. Windows was never designed to be secure just easy to use and any security it may have is a bolt on extra after they finished working on the basic OS.

          As for Hackers that term has been badly misunderstood by the Media as when I was first working with Mainframes a Hacker was someone who understood how the thing worked not a person who broke into the unit though back then you mostly needed direct access to the Mainframe to break in as that was the only way to connect. Today the Media calls anyone who breaks into systems a “Hacker” through their complete stupidity but the media has never allowed the facts to get in the way of a good story most times they don’t even check what they are printing and directly lift from the Web hence the proliferation of Joke Websites getting front page headlines worldwide. The clowns see something that peeks their interest and run with it. Once one has run the story everyone else has to, like a case of Monkey See Monkey Do and that is about the level of intelligence of most of those involved in the media who have no idea of what their opinions are about or what the words on the page actually mean.

          For instance take a look at the media a couple of years ago all you could see was Cloud Computing and how it was better than sliced bread, today it’s all about AI with hardly a mention of Cloud Computing and they are always positive stories mostly because they are lifted from press releases of theose companies making whatever it is that is being written about.

        • #4285436

          Would you kindly try to answer my questions

          by Oblivion99 ·

          In reply to Easy answer to question 2

          Thank you for your reply

          Hack direct access, without need of an network?
          Do you believe it is possible?

          If yes:
          Where on the hacker-scale are?
          Good hacker?

          What security measures does Windows have to prevent this?

        • #4285487
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          Reply To: Can a hacker connect to laptop that is not connected to a network?

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to Would you kindly try to answer my questions

          Thread closed.

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