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  • #2140496

    Can I install Windows 7/8.1 on i7 9700k

    by ddagostini1 ·


    Can I install Windows 7/8.1 on i7 9700k My Motherboard is an Asus Prime Z390-a

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    • #2414987
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      Potential issue as I see it

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Can I install Windows 7/8.1 on i7 9700k

      Some of the required drivers may not be backward compatible with the older Windows versions to operate properly with the newer processor and/or motherboard. I am certain that others will chime in with more information.

    • #2414986
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      As per question. No.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Can I install Windows 7/8.1 on i7 9700k

      Otherwise it would be done.

      Please tell us what stopped you. I just reinstalled Windows 7 from a W7 SP1 DVD last month and I have to write this is now an expert only install as so much is broken now. The web browser right off the DVD fails to let us onto so many https sites so I had to go get a patch then install Chrome from another memory stick and finally I could go get drivers and more.

      As such I’m calling Windows 7 installs much too hard for most.

      About Windows 8. I went to to find ZERO drivers for Windows 7 or 8.

      As such you have to try the install and see what does and does not work. There is “no support” for these older Windows versions. That doesn’t mean they won’t install or run but you are left without any support and you must tell us what happened when you tried.

    • #2414957

      only driver issue

      by naheed mir ·

      In reply to Can I install Windows 7/8.1 on i7 9700k

      Yes, there is no issue in installing windows /8.1 on i7 9700k.
      You will only face an issue while installing drivers as it will be
      difficult to have compatible drivers.

    • #2413226

      Sure, Why Not!

      by hamzarehman441240 ·

      In reply to Can I install Windows 7/8.1 on i7 9700k

      Yes, you can (after overcoming several issues, first of which is likely to be nonfunctional USB ports) but why would you want to?
      here is the reference link
      In this article, they have provided brief info about the ASUS Prime Z390-A motherboard.

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