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  • #2141015

    Can I make my own home security system?

    by alexanderhg1014 ·


    So my mom owns a convenience store, and she only has some fake cameras in the store at the moment to scare people away.

    Recently we decided to install real CCTVs in the store, we’ve done some research but we don’t know which one is easy to install with DIY (We want to do it on our own to save money), and how to install cameras by ourselves. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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    • #2419821
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      Re: install

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Can I make my own home security system?

      The answer to your question seems to be “no”. Then better have it done.

    • #2419818
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      Don’t bother

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Can I make my own home security system?

      You should have such a system professionally designed and installed for that type of security.

    • #2419817
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      Small world.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Can I make my own home security system?

      Among my jobs in the past was part of the engineering team for a company that created and produced surveillance gear.

      I wouldn’t bother with classic CCTV but consider a Car Camera that had WiFi or if you have good Internet look up DROPCAM on Installation involves entry level skills but if this is too hard, have it done but you will likely be SOLD an old classic CCTV with the usual (OLD SCHOOL) cables, cameras and video recorder. Today I could do better on my own.

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