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  • #4156488

    Can I turn an old PC into a WiFi hotspot when it isn’t wifi enabled?


    by james.mealor ·


    I work in a really backwards part of the UK with no phone signal and my office has no Wifi. We also do not have an IT department.

    However all of the PCs are wired through the ethernet ports. I was wondering if I can somehow setup the WiFi myself without spending more than a few £ (free, preferably) and without messing up our IT system / making any sort of noticeable changes.

    I don’t want to buy a full on wifi router. Can i turn my PC into a wifi hotspot with an adapter? My pc is old and doesn’t have a wifi thing built into it. I’ve tried online guides on how to turn a PC into a hotspot but I don’t have the options in my network centre.

    Or is there a way to plug my phone into my PC and for the internet to go from my PC to my phone? the opposite to tethering i think?

    Windows 10 i’m on.


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    • #4156493
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      Re: PC as hotspot

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Can I turn an old PC into a WiFi hotspot when it isn’t wifi enabled? tells how to do it.

      But you would have to buy and install a USB WiFi-adaptor like shown in . This is not a recommendation to buy it in that particular webshop, just an example of what to look for in your favorite shop.

      But you say the Microsoft method doesn’t work. Unclear why not. Then using a WiFi-router between the current network cable and the PC would be the only solution, I think.

    • #4156623
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      There’s always a way.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Can I turn an old PC into a WiFi hotspot when it isn’t wifi enabled?

      But since this is a workplace, I would never do this without the IT group signing off as it’s unclear if you could secure that connection.

    • #4156893

      Using a USB WiFi adapter

      by txfinds317 ·

      In reply to Can I turn an old PC into a WiFi hotspot when it isn’t wifi enabled?

      Yes, you can turn an old PC into a WiFi hotspot even if it isn’t WiFi enabled. You can do this by using a USB WiFi adapter. A USB WiFi adapter is a small device that plugs into a USB port on your PC and allows it to connect to WiFi networks.

      To turn your old PC into a WiFi hotspot using a USB WiFi adapter, follow these steps:

      1-Purchase a USB WiFi adapter.
      2-Connect the USB WiFi adapter to your PC.
      3-Install the drivers for the USB WiFi adapter.
      4-Open the settings for your PC’s network connection.
      5-Enable the “Share my internet connection with other devices” option.
      6-Select the USB WiFi adapter as the network to share.
      7-Give your hotspot a name and password.
      8-Save your changes.

      Once you have completed these steps, your old PC will be turned into a WiFi hotspot. Other devices can then connect to your hotspot by entering the name and password you specified.

      Please note that the speed of your hotspot will depend on the speed of your PC’s internet connection and the speed of the USB WiFi adapter. If you have a slow internet connection or a slow USB WiFi adapter, the speed of your hotspot will be limited.

      Here are some additional things to keep in mind when turning an old PC into a WiFi hotspot:

      Make sure that your PC is running a modern operating system, such as Windows 10 or macOS. Older operating systems may not support USB WiFi adapters.

      Make sure that your PC has enough RAM and processing power to handle the additional traffic that will be generated by the hotspot.

      If you are using the hotspot to connect to the internet, make sure that you have a firewall enabled to protect your PC from unauthorized access.

      I hope this helps!

    • #4239839

      Can I turn an old PC into a WiFi hotspot when it isn’t wifi enabled?

      by cassharper030 ·

      In reply to Can I turn an old PC into a WiFi hotspot when it isn’t wifi enabled?

      Yes, you can! Buy a cheap USB Wi-Fi adapter [search USB Wifi adapter]. Install the drivers, then use Windows 10 built-in Mobile Hotspot feature (search for it in Settings) to turn your PC into a Wi-Fi hotspot sharing your wired internet.

      This should work without affecting other PCs or needing IT involvement. Avoids phone tethering and extra costs.

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