July 29, 2020 at 2:39 am #2143053
can i use the windows 7 on my hdd to license my windows 10 on my SSD
by spongeybob · about 4 years, 5 months ago
Tags: Operating Systems
I just built a new PC installed windows 10 and everything.
i found an old laptop of mine that isn’t working anymore and like any bored person i dismantled it and found it smart to use the 500GB hdd as extra storage. I discovered that windows 7 is installed and since microsoft upgrades windows 7 to 10 for free i was wondering if anyone knows a way to license my windows 10 using the old version in my hdd? -
All Answers
August 3, 2020 at 12:33 am #2418513
Depends where in the world you are
by oh smeg · about 4 years, 5 months ago
In reply to can i use the windows 7 on my hdd to license my windows 10 on my SSD
But generally speaking Microsoft only licenses their software to the Original Hardware it was installed and Activated on.
Also you can not boot off a HDD that was loaded in another computer as the Hardware Abstraction Layer is different so the correct drivers are not installed and as a result the HDD will not have the necessary files for Windows to load.
But from a strictly Legal point of view No You Can Not use a Installed version of Windows from one computer in another and Microsoft has been known to Name and Shame companies who do things like that not to mention large fines for breaching their license Agreement.