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  • #2141795

    Can someone teach me Coding ?

    by obkum ·


    Can someone teach me programming, in a Master and Apprentice relationship ?
    I tried regular programming courses but they never teach why should I do to that and not that instead. They only say do this, this and then you’re gonna get this. I am 14 years old and, I think that’s it. If anyone is interested contact me here or with my discord OBKUM#0567 .
    No payment.

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    • #2421930


      by imlewii ·

      In reply to Can someone teach me Coding ?

      Good luck finding someone to teach you(not in a sarcastic way), also would be helpful to know what programming language you’re talking about. One thing I would say is to try code academy, some pretty useful courses on there.

      Labs and small projects by yourself will also help you learn a language.

    • #2416383


      by sadiqrehan1512 ·

      In reply to Can someone teach me Coding ?

      Hey, Why don’t you learn online? There are many courses available on Online learning sites like Udmey, Udacity, etc. They even provide certification after the completion of the course.

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