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  • #2209543

    can twitter ,facebook , linkedin and social networking be useful for sales


    by d_wathi ·


    I have joined as IT manager in real estate company for CRM we are using sugar crm opensource. would like to know whether educating users in twitter, linkedin ,facebook and social networking can be good idea for sales and marketing.

    Please suggest on this or any better or soultion.


All Comments

  • Author
    • #2445010


      by charliespencer ·

      In reply to can twitter ,facebook , linkedin and social networking be useful for sales

      Yes, they can.

    • #2445006
      Avatar photo


      by hal 9000 ·

      In reply to can twitter ,facebook , linkedin and social networking be useful for sales

      No they can’t.

      For something like that to work it requires Professional Actions by those who use it. Unfortantly those very people by their very actions prove every day that they lack the most basic Professionalism or Common Sense not to put potential Customers Off Side and loose sales.

      • #2445005

        "For something like that to work it requires Professional Actions"

        by charliespencer ·

        In reply to No

        So, they can be useful in sales or marketing if used professionally? Geez, any form of publicity or advertising can be misused or used ineffectively – print, broadcast, sponsorships. The OP did specify educating his users.

    • #2444997

      professional actions

      by d_wathi ·

      In reply to can twitter ,facebook , linkedin and social networking be useful for sales

      Hi, thanks for responding, can you please tell what exactly is Professional Actions , is there anything we have to subscibe if yes please suggest .

      • #2444985


        by charliespencer ·

        In reply to professional actions

        HAL 9000 did not mean to capitalize ‘Professional Actions’. It is not a proper name, product, or service.

        He means that to use social networks like Twitter or Facebook effectively as sales tools, the user must present himself in a professional fashion. The user cannot behave the same way on a social network for sales or marketing as he would act when interacting with family or personal friends on line. Potential customers don’t care how many drinks you had this weekend or how your football team is doing.

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