Canonly connect to FTP via IP address and not FQ address
about 4 years, 11 months ago
I am putting together my first FTP for a company I am managing IT for. I have the FTP up and running and can connect via the IP address, but would like to have it set up the same way the previous IT tech set up other FTP servers using a FQDN. the others are set up based on the shared folder name so to FTP to the admin shared folder on the data server you would use
I am working on a projects drive and would like to make it I believe the problem is DNS related, or has something to do with the fact that exists but I have not created
That being said, I tried to create a DNS record that has point to the IP of the server the share is on (The IP I am able to FTP with) but that also did not work.
I guess the main question is “How can I go from using the IP address, to using to connect to a shared folder called projects, and be able to add more shared folders to the same server to FTP to such as and
Thank you all for any insight you have on the matter and any resources or knowledge you can share would be appreciated!