Cant get image to work in Facebook offers
Hi First post on tr, so sorry if I’m not doing it right.
I’ve been trying to post a Facebook offer. Used 2 different web browsers (chrome/Firefox), and the Facebook app (android).
In the browsers once I’ve put all the details in I just get the 3 dots working thingy, and I’ve left that for hours.
In the app it gets hung up on the image, it does matter what I do the image never uploads. I’ve made the sweeping assumption the image is the problem in all cases.
I checked image specs on Facebook adverts, so the last image I tried was a 1280×1280 jpg. But I’ve tried different aspect ratios and sizes, 300x… All sorts, the image never uploads.
I’ve done offers before without any issues, what am I missing this time?
Anything that isn’t optional is completed.
Everything is within the character limits.
Done it with and without a URL in the description.
It is a custom promotion I’m doing.Anyone got any suggestions what the problem might be (excluding me that is ?).