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  • #2140867

    cant open same port twice

    by itabon ·


    hi I am trying to open a port for my pc and my bro pc but when I try to open the same port for different pc its not working it basically for a game named Call of Duty warzone the port is 3074 if any one can help so thanks

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    • #2415644
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      Re: open a port

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to cant open same port twice

      How exactly do you mean “opening a port for a PC”?

    • #2415637
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      That’s correct.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to cant open same port twice

      On a router you only get to port forward (some call this opening a port) to a single PC.

      I know COD players and none have to open ports. Why is your setup different?

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