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  • #2140488

    Can’t seem to understand SOLID principles and design patterns

    by derbyhannah1 ·


    I’m trying to get into OOP lately, and I’m having trouble with SOLID principles and design patterns.

    I see why people use them, and I really want to use them too, but I can’t wrap my head around developing my classes to the specifications. I would really appreciate anything that would help my understanding of such.

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    • #2414962
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      Re: solid design

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Can’t seem to understand SOLID principles and design patterns

      If I ask Google to search for solid design principles it gives a lot of hits. Studying a few of those might help you to understand the one you read.

    • #2414866

      SOLID principles

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Can’t seem to understand SOLID principles and design patterns

      SOLID stands for:

      S – Single-responsibility Principle
      O – Open-closed Principle
      L – Liskov Substitution Principle
      I – Interface Segregation Principle
      D – Dependency Inversion Principle

      Projects that adhere to SOLID principles can be shared with collaborators, extended, modified, tested, and refactored with fewer complications.

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