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  • #2141179

    Captcha challenges on company’s network

    by webuxer ·


    Need an advice from an expert. For the past month we started receiving captcha challenges when browsing the web within the company’s network. Since we are behind a SonicWall firewall, we contacted tech support for them to check of any issues or misconfiguration that might be causing this. All the test results came back negative, everything looks good, they even capture packets to see if any device on our network was the culprit but found no issues. We have contacted our ISP to check if maybe our IP was blacklisted and the reports came back negative, there’s no issues with our IP, we even used a tool found online MX toolbox and everything looks good. We have scanned our devices for malware etc. We are running out of ideas on what to check to resolve this. Nothing changed on our network that might have caused this. Any advice you can provide me will be appreciated. Thank you

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