Career Advice – Moving Out of Solutions Architecture
Hey all, I’m after some career advice – I’m currently in a Solutions Architect role and wondering about what my next steps/career options are.
Whenever I’ve search “Solutions Architect career path” into google, an SA is usually the end career goal! I understand that an SA is something that people usually progress into from a developer background. I’m still quite early on in my career, and don’t have this technical background, even Solution Architecture is very technical for me!
I don’t have a developer background. I have been in this SA role for 2 years, and prior to this I was a systems analyst for 3 years. I’ve previously been in a project engineer (project management role) which I did enjoy but it was a while ago now. I tried a Business Analyst role a few years ago for 5 months, and I really didn’t get on with it, I was terribly bored.
I have quite a technical/logically driven mind, I’ve completed a maths degree but I wouldn’t say I have the mind of a developer! I’m an incredibly sociable person – to the point where I’ve had several areas of the business saying “I don’t think I know any solutions architects who are as sociable as you!”Based on the struggles I had with the BA role, and the fact that I’m quite technically minded, I’m a bit concerned about completely swapping into a full on business role. Is anyone aware of any roles that may suit this type of person/any potential career paths?
Has anyone else has had experience moving out of solution architecture, and where to?
Or just any general career advice within tech!
Thanks so much for any advice or thoughts you may be able to give on this, really appreciate it!