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  • #2085904

    CD-R problems in W2K


    by matsi ·

    I have a hard time with cdr:s in w2k. Have two Mitsumi burners, 2801 & 4801 that simply refuses to behave normally. Tried both on 2:nd IDE. Then as slaves on 1:st. Sometimes they work, sometimes not. On some rare occations I have even been able to write to them. In device manager they are both recognized and said to be working with no problems. But not so in the real world. Anybody got any suggestions?

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  • Author
    • #3876955

      CD-R problems in W2K

      by mjchekal ·

      In reply to CD-R problems in W2K

      I have a question, What application are you using to write with. and is that Apllication compatible with the Operating system and the Hardware. This may also be a problem with the media Have you tried different Manufactures of Media

    • #3875401

      CD-R problems in W2K

      by joe prochazka ·

      In reply to CD-R problems in W2K

      Try this

      Located here are the latest aspi drivers from adaptec. It helped me out with burning software under Windows 2000 a few times.

    • #3875264

      CD-R problems in W2K

      by dcosgrove ·

      In reply to CD-R problems in W2K

      try going into their properties in the device manager and deselecting dma, if it is selected, and reboot. This has worked for me on occasion only the errors are usually much worse.

      • #3877426

        CD-R problems in W2K

        by matsi ·

        In reply to CD-R problems in W2K

        And how do You suggest I do that?

    • #3877381

      CD-R problems in W2K

      by dcosgrove ·

      In reply to CD-R problems in W2K

      Hi Matsi,
      go to stsrt/settings/control panel. then double click the system icon. Select the device manager tab and find your cd burners. they will be under cd’s probably second on the list. Then highlight one of them and click properties. in the new window select the settings tab and see if dma is checked. If so, uncheck it and reboot.

    • #3865083

      CD-R problems in W2K

      by matsi ·

      In reply to CD-R problems in W2K

      This question was closed by the author

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