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  • #2084381

    CGI Script Problem


    by leslie.brown@potlatchcorp ·

    I downloaded a script from another website and placed it in my /home/httpd/cgi-bin directory. When I try and run the cgi script (posting data to a form), I get a message that the site cannot be found. Any suggestions? I checked to make sure the script name called upon was identical (case and spelling).

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    • #3772725

      CGI Script Problem

      by smn ·

      In reply to CGI Script Problem

      sounds like the problem is either with the form, or the server configuration. i suppose that when you say you checked the script name in your form, you’ve also taken care about any urls etc..
      i’ll assume you’re running apache, but any other web servers should be very similar. a good starting point would be the access and error log files (/var/log/httpd/access_log and /var/log/httpd/error_log on my system); those should give you a good insight on what the actual request was. do youhave other scripts in that directory that do work?
      it may be a good idea to check the configuration file (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf here) and see if the ScriptAlias is indeed set up as intended, and that a matching section has been setup.

      if you’re still having trouble, please feel free to contact me via email.

    • #3772704

      CGI Script Problem

      by melodyj ·

      In reply to CGI Script Problem

      Make sure that the bin that the script is pointing to matches your system – 1st line of the script. Also, make sure that within the script it doesn’t have any include files that aren’t on your system and that it doesn’t have any URL’s hardcoded. Ihope this helps…


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