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  • #2083952

    Changing of Hard drive password


    by grunz_link ·

    Please kindly help me and tell me how to change or disable my laptop hard
    drive password for my Dell Latitude CPi. I have not used it for about
    8months now and I have forgotten the password I used to lock the Hard Drive.
    The price of a new one istoo much for me to afford. Please help.
    Engr. Uche Ubajaka

All Comments

  • Author
    • #3779852

      Changing of Hard drive password

      by jrbahr ·

      In reply to Changing of Hard drive password

      There is ALWAYS a way to reset the BIOS. If this is a boot password you should call Dell and they will tell you how to reset it for your model laptop. Dell support is usually good and should have no problem with this one.

      • #3771537

        Changing of Hard drive password

        by grunz_link ·

        In reply to Changing of Hard drive password

        I mailed them and they replied but asked me to call on the phone. I have been calling since then and they have not answered.

    • #3779849

      Changing of Hard drive password

      by jrbahr ·

      In reply to Changing of Hard drive password

      Yes. You need a utility like Partition Magic. You can check out the site….

    • #3779848

      Changing of Hard drive password

      by jrbahr ·

      In reply to Changing of Hard drive password

      Yes. You need a utility like Partition Magic. Check out the site…

    • #3771551

      Changing of Hard drive password

      by masteri3aster ·

      In reply to Changing of Hard drive password

      Well, unless you have any important files that you cannot lose or damage in any way, I suggest that you reinstall your harddrive, this means a total recalibration which will wipe the memory clean, and begin it at the start. Or, you could take part in some (strictly for educational purposes) password hacks which can be found at almost any search site, the easiest place to get one or several is at search for password encryptions or password detections. that chould get you a good enough program for your current needs. and next time make several copies of your password, or use a word of digit that occurs most in your life.

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