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  • #2142196

    Chapping the buns

    by bob.b ·


    Nancy gets reelected.
    Mitch gets reelected.

    Trump gets to scurry out the back door as Joe comes in the front door.

    Is there no justice in this world?

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    • #2416694
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      Had a small Civics discussion this week.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Chapping the buns

      The topic was: Which (USA) branch of government enforces laws?

      Many don’t know and this is why many laws are selectively enforced.

      • #2416686

        Law enforcement

        by bob.b ·

        In reply to Had a small Civics discussion this week.

        If you follow all the different agencies to the top it’s the executive branch that drives the bus.

      • #2417130

        Closest thing USA has to a national police is the FBI.

        by nopremx ·

        In reply to Had a small Civics discussion this week.

        DoJ owns them.

        Not so simple any more, though. Many comparisons have already been made of BLM protest handling, and the fine mess at the Capitol; the literal National Police taking selfies with those violating the one law the NP were sworn to enforce and so on. Langston Hughes and Solomon both warned that governments that permit that sort of imbalance will face consequences.

        I do think the selective enforcement is due to bigger causes than ordinary ignorance. That at least could be fixed by systems (schools) already in place.

    • #2417129

      If you mean McConnell, he was reelected to the Senate.

      by nopremx ·

      In reply to Chapping the buns

      What he won’t be, almost certainly, is majority leader. That’s where his power was.

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