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  • #2085305

    CheckPoint (FW-1)/Norton for Firewalls


    by themole01 ·

    I have a problem with NAV and Checkpoint.
    I have gone to Symantec and Checkpoint and they have given answers, but they have yet to work.
    If I turn on a rule to send HTTP to NAV for scanning, *some* (not all) sites never load when using Internet Explorer. (The same sites load perfectly using Netscape.) Symantec thought it was a IE timing issue, but that didn’t help.

    Looking at the logs on FW-1, you can see the request going to NAV, but it never gets a response. If I use Netscape, the same request goes to NAV, but comes back and the site loads.

    I have also narrowed down something else. Using our own web server as a test (because our site won’t load using IE) if the default page is *.asp it doesn’t load, but if it is *.htm it works fine.

    I have given all this to the techs at Checkpoint and Symantec, but have not been able to solve this problem. (Got any ideas?)



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    • #3786324

      CheckPoint (FW-1)/Norton for Firewalls

      by otto3 ·

      In reply to CheckPoint (FW-1)/Norton for Firewalls

      Just some ideas… It’s definetly the NAV problem with the .asp pages. I’d look at the logs on the NAV server to see what happens with the page in question. It might be the way .asp creates the header info for IE which throws off the NAV. You’ve probably done this already, but disable the NAV rule in the FW-1 policy to see if the site in question loads. My bet would be on it does…


      • #3742694

        CheckPoint (FW-1)/Norton for Firewalls

        by themole01 ·

        In reply to CheckPoint (FW-1)/Norton for Firewalls

        Actually after digging around on Checkpoint’s website I was able to discover a solution…. In case anyone is wondering it has to do with I.E. and FW-1. The problem comes from “chunked-data” and HTTP 1.1

    • #3742693

      CheckPoint (FW-1)/Norton for Firewalls

      by themole01 ·

      In reply to CheckPoint (FW-1)/Norton for Firewalls

      This question was closed by the author

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