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  • #2143913

    CHKDSK Stuck on Windows 10

    by taylorjohnson8806 ·


    Yesterday while scanning my Windows 10 PC the disk check fails and the chkdsk command get stuck at some percentages such as 10%, 11%, 12%, 100% or even chkdsk hangs at a certain stage. Well, this is very irritating and can anyone suggest me how to get rid of chkdsk stuck issue.

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    • #2423311

      CHKDSK Stuck on Windows 10

      by dineshramgaikwad ·

      In reply to CHKDSK Stuck on Windows 10

      Which system are you using, CHKDSK stucking is not a good thing, Try to go ahead and run a test on your HDD i think you will get a SMART error for your HDD.

    • #2419268

      CHKDSK stuck on Windows 10

      by pooja1588142131 ·

      In reply to CHKDSK Stuck on Windows 10

      Follow the steps below to get rid of CHKDSK stuck issue:
      If CHKDSK tries to run, then press Esc or Enter to stop chkdsk from running. Then run the Disk Cleanup utility to clear out junk files. After that, open an elevated CMD and type sfc or scannow, followed by entering to run the System File Checker. Restart and exit chkdsk again during the startup by pressing Esc or Enter if necessary.

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