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  • #2091379

    Cisco 1900 Series LAN Switch Problems


    by jackie_wong ·

    I have using TFFT Server upgrade Cisco 1900 LAN Switch firmware, after download firmware , i cannot ping lan switch IP and cannot login this LAN Switch Mangerment console page, also but this switch working and running. I have using modem dial in to console access, but cannot dial in, any user have have my solve this problems and let me know.

    Jackie Wong

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    • #3880654

      Cisco 1900 Series LAN Switch Problems

      by jpublicsmartgate ·

      In reply to Cisco 1900 Series LAN Switch Problems

      I’m not familiar with that particular model but if the unit does not have an IP address you might be able to assign it one via the hardware address with the ARP command.

      For example, if the hardware address of the Switch is 94A3F2C5EE54 and you want to assign it an address of the command would look something like this:

      arp -s 9A-A3-F2-C5-EE-54

      If you are trying to use the console port, make sure you are not using a plain old cat-5 cable to plug into the 9pin adaptor. It needs to be a Cisco specific cable and adaptor. Then connect one end to a COM port on a PC, and the other into the console port on the Cisco, and use the settings of 9600 BPS, 8-N-1.

    • #3880647

      Cisco 1900 Series LAN Switch Problems

      by jackie_wong ·

      In reply to Cisco 1900 Series LAN Switch Problems

      This question was closed by the author

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