
  • Creator
  • #2142125

    Cloud file server solution

    by footscray ·


    Hi all, I am looking for a cloud-based secure file server solution for a few customers.

    Most of our customers use SharePoint document libraries, synced to Windows 10 PCs using OneDrive.

    This SharePoint solution works fine except for a few of our clients who have 100,000’s of files. The performance of OneDrive degrades, and to resolve the issue we need to create a heap of document libraries which users have to tick/un-tick for syncing.

    Can someone please offer an alternative cloud-based product that’s easier for these users to use? Ideally:
    – It is easy to access and navigate like a traditional network drive
    – Allows permissions on subfolders
    – Allows easy access from mobile devices
    – Allows easy sharing of files/folders with external parties

    Thanks for any advice!

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  • Author
    • #2413906

      Re: performance

      by keesb2 ·

      In reply to Cloud file server solution

      What solution does your account manager at Microsoft offer when you complain about the performance of OneDrive for those customers?

    • #2413776
      Avatar photo

      After over a decade of cloud use

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Cloud file server solution

      I’ve yet to find any cloud that works as fast as our local SSD or even a network share on our network. All that traffic over the internet is at megabit speeds. On our office/home lan it’s about a gigibit and if the drive is some SSD in the PC it’s far faster.

      I see nothing wrong with the story or speeds you complained about.

    • #2416579

      cloud file

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Cloud file server solution

      Cloud file storage is a method for storing data in the cloud that provides servers and applications access to data through shared file systems. This compatibility makes cloud file storage ideal for workloads that rely on shared file systems and provides simple integration without code changes.

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