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  • #3937663

    Code to categorically end PushBullet Background Processes in Task Manager.

    by sebastian42 ·

    My routine for automatically opening PushBullet on Windows boot is unreliable. When it does not work, the thrice repeated <> does NOT succeed in ending all three Background Process entries in Task Manager. If I manually end the remaining one(s), then PushBullet will launch satisfactorily. So I need code for a technique that will definitely end ALL the Pushbullet Background Process entries in Task Manager. Can you help with that ?

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    • #3940686
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      • #3940670

        Code to categorically end PushBullet Background Processes in Task Manager.

        by sebastian42 ·

        In reply to Did you try WMIC?

        Googling WMIC gave me a non-useful result, but when I opened the stackoverflow URL, I saw WMIC referenced there – amongst many other suggestions. It will take time for me to work my way through them.

        • #3940669
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          I understand.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Code to categorically end PushBullet Background Processes in Task Manager.

          The problem is there is no God mode task killer method I know of save the power switch. This means I sometimes have to work down the list of pskill, taskkill and wmic.

        • #3940651

          killing daughter processes

          by sebastian42 ·

          In reply to I understand.

          Preliminary results suggest that adding ‘/t’ to the kill code may have solved my problem.

        • #3940650
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          Or child processes?

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to killing daughter processes

          Good to see this fixed.

        • #3940517

          Not the solution after all

          by sebastian42 ·

          In reply to Or child processes?

          Sad to say, Background Processes in Task Manager are NOT being categorically ended by killing child processes. Work-in-progress …

        • #3940516
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          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Not the solution after all

          Are you sure about the process NAME?
          I’m reading

          I see the name change as well as a note about warm or cold killing.

        • #3940515


          by sebastian42 ·

          In reply to Thoughts.

          You have taken me by surprise 3 times in one post; 1. correct name; 2. warm killing & 3. cold killing

          You’re suggesting I should use pushbullet_client instead of pushbullet ?

          ‘COLD’ = switch power off ?
          ‘WARM’ = use some keystroke ?

        • #3940513
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          See the Reddit discussion.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to overwhelmed

          I’m not on your PC so I can’t check the task list. But I would try what they noted as well as trying a kill by PID. Of course an elevated command prompt is required.

        • #3940511

          So far so good

          by sebastian42 ·

          In reply to See the Reddit discussion.

          Adding ‘_client’ seemed to make the right difference. Time will tell whether the improvement persists. It didn’t. I’ve delayed the start of the batch file – that also improves results, but again remains to be seen if improvement petrsists,

        • #3940499

          Still not good enough

          by sebastian42 ·

          In reply to So far so good

          It seemed to work, but alas today, PushBullet did not launch, and when I looked at Background Processes in Task Manager, there were two PushBullets there. However, manually running the batch file, instead of letting it happen at StartUp, did end the background processes, and allow launching. Maybe a longer delay before it starts, is the requirement.

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