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    Collaboration program over net_not just screen sharing

    by bluenite1 ·

    Sw type TeamViewer or Anydesk allow remote control of another computer. Is it possible to have real-time online collaboration through them, in the way of controlling both screens together? So that it shows up on both sides at once when I need to work on same file? Maybe I’m doing it wrong, but I haven’t gotten these two programs to do it. I’m not even talking about Skype and other messengers, here it’s just “share screen” without interference. Many years ago Skype also didn’t allow communication to talk/listen at the same time but only in one direction. Can any other system do what I need? How about Zoom? I hope I’m explaining this clearly.
    Thanks for the advice

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      Re: collaboration

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Collaboration program over net_not just screen sharing

      With Google Docs and such you work on the same document in the cloud from different computers on different locations. That might be a start.

      What kind of collaboration did you have in mind?

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