
  • Creator
  • #4288109

    Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop


    by Oblivion99 ·


    Dear all

    When I was separating the bottom cover on my laptop with a plastic plectrum.

    Without any problems I separated / loosened the bottom cover on the left side and right side, and most of the front side.

    It wouldn’t let go at the front, in front of the mousepad – I was missing to unscrew the only screw at the front.

    I was pulling the southwest corner on the bottom cover, close to where the battery is located, I was pulling away from the laptop. I noticed, that the southwest corner on the TOP cover, where the battery is placed, was bending a couple of millimeters.

    The southwest corner on the BOTTOM cover was bending a couple of centimeters.

    The southwest corner on the TOP cover was bending a couple of millimeters.

    After a couple of pulls, the plastic part that held the screw broke off.

    After the bottom cover broke of, I was very concerned if I had damaged any of the hardware parts.

    I was looking thoroughly on all the hardware parts with a lamp, and no bent or damage was anywhere to be seen.

    I removed the network card that has integrated Bluetooth – that was the reason I removed the bottom cover.

    It was no problem to put the bottom cover back on again.

    When using the laptop afterwards, alle functions was functioning correct.

    Is there any noticeable bent or damage on the hardware, on the photos (see link below)?

    When looking thoroughly on the hardware parts, what should I look for regarding if bent og damaged?

    How much can the hardware circuit boards bend, before taking damage?

    How much can the battery bend, before taking damage?

    Thank you

    I can’t attach photos to my post, therefor I link to the same post on another forum, where the photos can be seen.
    I hope that is okay.

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    • #4288188
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      Reply To: Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop

      I suggest that you take it to a computer repair shop to prevent possibly damaging it further. It would help to know what make/model # laptop that you are using to get possible help here or anywhere else online.

    • #4288190
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop

      But if you are bending things you stop and take it to folk that do such work.

      • #4289558

        Can you please try to answer my questions

        by Oblivion99 ·

        In reply to Sorry

        Thank you

    • #4288208

      When dismanteling any thing if it doesn’t come apart easily

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop


      Granted with some cheap nasty NB’s they clip together these days but even still you should not need to use BRUT FORCE to get them apart so if they do not come apart easily stop clam them up and turn them over and look carefully for any screws you have missed and these are not always strictly where you think they may be some can be a long way from the edge holding a drive in place or something similar.

      • #4288260
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        Yep, some OEMs hide those pesky screws!

        by Wizard57M-TR ·

        In reply to When dismanteling any thing if it doesn’t come apart easily

        I don’t even like to take notebooks/laptops apart due to many times the OEMs will “hide” the tiniest screws they can find in hard to locate places, such as underneath rubberised adhesive footpads, OR, inside a removable panel where you can access a slot to add additional RAM or storage drives! Without a good detailed disassembly guide, your best bet is to not tear the thing apart if possible, and just disable some faulty component such as onboard wifi/bluetooth adapter via BIOS/UEFI and use a USB replacement.
        Oh, and did I mention the tiniest size screws? AND, they seem to relish using oddball screwdriver types/sizes!!

    • #4288482

      Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop

      by rslhelper ·

      In reply to Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop

      If you are concerned about damaging hardware while removing the bottom cover, make sure you use the right tools, apply gentle pressure, and follow a guide specific to your laptop model.

    • #4288782

      Reply To: Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop

      by policenbiclearance ·

      In reply to Concerned if damaged hardware parts when removing bottom cover on laptop

      It sounds like you were careful, so major damage is unlikely. Check for cracks, loose connectors, or bent components. PCBs can flex slightly but look for broken solder joints. If the battery isn’t deformed or swollen, it’s fine. Since everything works, just monitor for any issues like shutdowns or charging problems.

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