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  • #3937586

    Concerning MS Community’s Solution about Recycle Bin

    by zlzpqx ·

    Since, for some strange reason, I could not open my recycle bin in my PC’s Windows 10, I found the following solution in


    Run CMD to fix corrupted Windows 10 recycle bin

    1. Go to Start > Click All Programs > Accessories;
    2. Right-click Command Prompt > Select “run cmd as administrator”.
    3. Type: rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.bin and hit Enter.
    4. Reboot computer and then you can reuse the Recycle Bin again.


    Windows 10 does not have All Programs > Accessories. So I first tried available link Windows Accessories and then Windows Administrator. But in both options, I could not find any way to make any progress.

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    • #3938604
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      Since steps 1 and 2 are just to open CMD as Admin.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Concerning MS Community’s Solution about Recycle Bin

      Here’s how it works here.

      1. Press the Windows key.
      2. Type CMD and look to the right for the “Run as administrator”

      • #3938600

        Thank you, Bob; I made some progress!

        by zlzpqx ·

        In reply to Since steps 1 and 2 are just to open CMD as Admin.

        Thank you, Bob; with your instruction, I made some progress!

        After pressing Windows key, I typed CMD, but could not find anywhere ” “Run as administrator.” So I just hit the “enter” key and in the black window which popped up, typed after “C:\Users\(my username)>” the following:

        rd/s/q C:\$Recycle.bin

        (I left one blank space between “q” and “C:”) and hit the “enter” key.

        I got the message “Access is denied.”

        I shall much appreciate it if you can patiently provide me further guidance, for I have no understanding of the Commands process!


        • #3938599
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          Going to have to know more.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Thank you, Bob; I made some progress!

          At office and home with dozens of machines this works. Let me share a screen grab for you. If you are running some old version of W10 I can’t know that so share a bit why your OS differs.


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