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  • #3937725

    Connection between two Clients.

    by __rob__ ·

    I try to programm a Mobile Messenger (C++, Qt) where the Server only sends the current IP address of Phone A to Phone B and vice versa and the data is send directly between these two devices with the goal to minimize the needed calculationpower of the server.

    I try to understand if that is possible:
    Client A has a connection to Server S and Client B has a connection to S as well. If S sends the IP and Port of A to B, can B send something to A without creating a new connection through using the IP of A and the Port which A is already listening to?

    Has someone a better idea how to solved this or is this idea in general impossible i.e. data between two smartphones always has to be send through a server?

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      Did you research how others did this?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Connection between two Clients.

      Google this -> open source android messenger.

      Also, why not code it up and try it? You are a programmer so you can learn the answer in about a week or less.

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