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  • #2145058

    connection betwen MOBO RAM and GPU

    by mihaipanturu ·


    hello !
    i have an Asus p5kc MOBO with 4gb ddr 2 ram , cpu is an intel core 2 dua e8400 3.00 ghz and i have a small issue , i put an geforce gt730 2gb ddr3 gpu in it and from time to time the image frezes and i have to remove a ram stick to get it back up and need to wait another 20-30 min to put the ram back and to work .
    Can someone tell me something abouth the relation betwen rams and gpu or what could be the reason why this happen ?

    P.S. i know the part are a bit old but i wana use this pc for kids and movies moust of the time .

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    • #2423276

      Put simply the M’Board is what everything sits on

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to connection betwen MOBO RAM and GPU

      The CPU is what does all the computing work.

      RAM is the Storage Space that is Volitile so when the power goes out whatever was in the RAM disappears.

      Here from my understanding of your question you have added a Video Card with DDR3 RAM and the problem has started since this was added.

      This is a Straight Incompatability Issue where the Video Card is not fully compatable with the M’Board Chip Set.

      Why you have to remove the RAM and leave it for so long is beyond me as once the power goes out the unit should remain empty with nothing running but you do have to unplug the computer not just think that because it is not running that the Power is Off.

      With ATX Power Sup-plies they have a low voltage that is on 100% of the time the unit is plugged in so they are never fully turned off, A Ripple on this Power Line is what turns the unit on and off so it is always sending power into the unit while it is plugged in with the power turned on.

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