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  • #2141125

    Connections from laptop and desktop to TV stopped working

    by cupidstunt0 ·



    I have a strange problem. I was running both my laptop and desktop to my TV using 2 different HDMI to HDMI cables. Suddenly yesterday morning they were both not working as the HDMI ports on my TV were not detecting a signal. I tried switching the cables and the HDMI ports about but this didn’t work so I tried a factory reset of the TV, turning everything off, unplugging it all and turning it on again and calling Samsung support to see if they could fix the TV but none of this worked.

    My only assumption was that the TV’s HDMI ports had somehow short circuited so after being quoted £200 to fix i decided to upgrade my TV to a 55 inch TV instead. I’ve now set up the 55 inch TV and the HDMI ports will not detect either my PC or my Laptop the same as my Samsung TV wouldn’t.

    I’ve ordered a 3rd HDMI to HDMI cable so that I can test that. I know that my laptop is working fine as I’m typing on it now and I’m sure my high spec PC is still working.

    Does anybody have any ideas as to what my problem here might be or what I should do to try to fix it?


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