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  • #3937753

    Considering Migration from Windows 7/Office 2003/Outlook to iPad Platform

    by amcpherson832 ·

    My Windows 7 laptop is on its last legs and will cost too much to repair, so I’m considering the possiblity of moving to an iPad with smart keyboard and Open Source Office and email applications as I believe that will be less costly in the long run than staying with Windows and Office 365.

    I am retired, don’t use a smartphone and have no wish to have an iPad with mobile phone functionality. My computer usage is limited to email communication with friends and relatives, word processing, occasional spreadsheets, storage of photos (not much editing knowledge), web browsing and free streaming of films. I wont do financial transactions on the internet unless there is no other way of acquiring something essential, so I don’t subscribe to any paid services.

    I’d be grateful for opinions/advice around the following questions:

    1. Do iPad owners get free upgrades to later versions of the OS and typically how long might it be before support is withdrawn for the OS version supplied with the iPad (A13 10.2″), obliging me to upgrade the OS at what sort of cost?

    2. What reliable Open Source Office Suites and email applications should I consider to which I can migrate my current Office 2003 documents and Outlook data files?

    3. My research into the iPadOS on Apple’s web site makes it look very complex because of its very wide range of features and functionality – might this amount to a strong argument for staying with Windows plus Open Source apps? If so which Windows Open Source Office and Email apps should I consider?

    4. Am I wrong to believe that I am less likely to encounter compatibility/reliability issues with Apple or Windows than with Chrome, which I haven’t really considered yet.

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    • #3938849
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      Item 2 is trouble.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Considering Migration from Windows 7/Office 2003/Outlook to iPad Platform

      Item 1. ALL OVER THE MAP. Read
      Figure 5 years as a starting point.

      Item 2. So much trouble here. Outlook for example has a calendar and the usual Thunderbird does not and there is no Thunderbird on iOS (nod to ) then you are stuck with Outlook but will find it costs something. Yes there’s a free Outlook the last I checked but all the pain to get ALL your Outlook data over will cost you. And if you had the many GigaByte size Outlook folder some iPads can’t handle that.

      3. I worry you are thinking of the iPad and iOS as the run of the mill “computer” you have used for years. It’s not. Please put everything on pause right now.

      4. I have yet to hear of “reliability” issues on Chrome on iOS. Yes, there are folk that have trouble with many browsers but I know of nothing special about Chrome on iOS.

      -> Given the cost of a proper iPad my advice is to get the usual 500ish dollar laptop, install your Office 2003 and move over. Office 2003 here runs on Windows 10 fine. And reports out there say it runs on Windows 11 outside of some Windows Update failure. That failure is seen on all Windows as far as I know but Office continues to function.

      • #3940241

        Woindows to iPad Questions

        by amcpherson832 ·

        In reply to Item 2 is trouble.

        Thanks very much fo your informative response. I believe it reflects a wealth relevant knowledge resulting in wise advice!

        I do have the Office 2003 media and key code, so I will stay with the Windows laptop setup – thanks again for your help.

    • #3938848
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      Re: Office

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Considering Migration from Windows 7/Office 2003/Outlook to iPad Platform is about the current Microsoft Office app for iOS.
      But I’m afraid it’s heavily oriented on the cloud. And it has no Outlook. Even an app that can read your old pst-files might be difficult to find.

      I fully agree with what rproffitt says: stay with Windows. And stay with Office 2003, if you still have the install media (CD) and license key.
      However, free LibreOffice might be useful to read (and edit, if you like) the 2007+ format files (docx, xlsx, …), just in case you lost the installation files of the software that allowed us to read them in Office 2003. That compatibility software can no longer be downloaded (since 2014 or so).

      • #3940245
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        Surprisingly, I agree with all the above.

        by mrmacfixit ·

        In reply to Re: Office

        The iPad is a highly versatile machine but is tablet computer device and was never intended to be a replacement for a Laptop or Desktop.
        Bob’s suggestion of a $500(ish) laptop is fine but I can’t help wondering if a desktop with a much larger screen would be more suitable and easier on the eyes, unless of course a laptop is the choice for portability. That said, I know a lot of folk who insisted on a laptop and then stuck it on a desk, added a large monitor and keyboard and then never moved it from there.
        Based on your specific requirements, I would go with something other than a tablet device of any persuasion.

        • #3940239

          Windows to iPad Questions

          by amcpherson832 ·

          In reply to Surprisingly, I agree with all the above.

          Thanks for your helpful response. As portability is a key requirement, I will be buying a new laptop and sticking with Windows/Office 2003/Outlook for as long as I can.

          Thanks again.

      • #3940240

        Windows to iPad Questions

        by amcpherson832 ·

        In reply to Re: Office

        Thanks for your informative response. Based on all the feedback I can see that my future computer usage will be far less challenging and less costly if I stay with Windows and Office 2003/Outlook.

        Thanks again for your help.

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