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  • #2105046

    Constant Crashes with Power Mac5260


    by pfleshman ·

    I purchased a Power Macintosh 5260 in 1997. Nowadays, it crashes constantly when I try to print documents of several pages, download pictures from the Internet, or use multimedia cds.

    What could be the source of the crashing?

    If there area number of sources, what would be better: having a techie attempt to repair it or I purchase another PC?

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    • #3817522

      Constant Crashes with Power Mac5260

      by q2ggirl ·

      In reply to Constant Crashes with Power Mac5260

      Do you own any thrid party diagnostic software like Norton’s Utilities? If you’ve had it since ’97, you need to run Norton’s Disk Doctor and then Optimize the HD. Depending on the size of the HD, you may not have that much temp space for your documents to spool. Another thing, you may need to have the memory checked to make sure it’s still good.

      Hope it helps you some.

    • #3672968

      Constant Crashes with Power Mac5260

      by mikel~t ·

      In reply to Constant Crashes with Power Mac5260

      I shove as much RAM into that machine as it can hold. It amazes me how memory greedy newer applications are on older machines.

      Anyway, as suggested prior to my response, Norton has a good application, Tech Tool is another one.

      Good luck.


    • #3690883

      Constant Crashes with Power Mac5260

      by landotek ·

      In reply to Constant Crashes with Power Mac5260

      I would not spend any more money on a 5260. They were notoriously low quality, and were created in Apple’s “dark years.”

      But you can try these general fixes for free:

      Run Apple’s Disk First Aid Utility (boot from a CD so the Utility can repair the disk).

      rebuild the desktop (hold down option-apple on startup until it asks if you want to rebuild)

      reset the PRAM (hold down option-apple-P-R on startup until you hear the startup chime twice) After doing this, you’ll have to rechoose your printer and reset some settings like date and time.

      Turn off all extensions except for the original Apple ones. Then turn them on one at a time until you find the one that freezes. Replace that one by downloading a new one from the manufacturer.

      If that doesn’t work, perform a clean system install using an original system software disk, then reinstall the extensions you need for printing. Download new ones from the net if possible.

    • #3720631

      Constant Crashes with Power Mac5260

      by pfleshman ·

      In reply to Constant Crashes with Power Mac5260

      This question was closed by the author

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