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  • #2081752

    Conversion of Access 97 to 2000


    by mcorr ·

    I have a fully functioning Access 97 application, but when I try to convert it to Access 2000 I get several errors “There was an error…converting form x.” and then “The VB for A project in the database is corrupt.” Of course MSDN has nothing about this problem, so has anyone had similar experiences and maybe a solution?

    I am using Access 2000 version 9.0.2720 (latest patch I believe) and the existing database was created in Access 97 SR-2b and not encrypted.

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    • #3896476

      Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      by larry h. ·

      In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      I had a similar problem moving an Access 2 database into Access 97. In my case the problem stemmed from changes to VBA between the two versions. One of the variable names in the old version was now a reserved name in Access 97. Another possiblityis that you were using a “legacy” function that has been replaced, and Access 2000 no longer supports it.

      • #3894393

        Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

        by mcorr ·

        In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

        I don’t know of any unsupported functions in Access 2k like that.

    • #3896475

      Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      by mcorr ·

      In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      >I had a similar problem moving an Access 2 database into Access 97.
      I am going in the other direction, which should work except for the few exceptions mentioned in the help. But the form is a simple splash form with two labels and an image, and it does nothing but close itself. I also get an error on a straightforward entry form.

      >Another possiblity is that you were using a “legacy” function that has
      >been replaced, and Access 2000 no longer supports it.
      Nope, checked the list, andeverything I am using should be supported.

      Thanks, Chris

    • #3896409

      Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      by klennon-wf ·

      In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      One thing that I ran into was that Access 2000 is now default with ADO instead of the old DAO – have you verified references? If the references are correct then I would reevaluate the DAO code in your modules and/or form events.

      • #3894395

        Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

        by mcorr ·

        In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

        I really don’t use all that much of DAO; mostly I used queries to do that sort of thing.

    • #3896367

      Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      by labinter ·

      In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      Yo tengo experiencias similares con la conversion de funciones del SQL como Format (); Right$() y Left$ () en las consultas y adm?s en la conversi?n de gr?ficos. No poseo experiencias como las tuyas, pero si te comento que en muchas ocasiones he tenido que reprogramar las rutinas bajo Access 2000 ya que la b?squeda de soluciones ma llevaba m?s tiempo, y tampoco he encriptado mis programas.
      Suerte !!!
      Sorry for the spanish language. If you have problems to translate this, tell me.
      My name is Ricardo from Argentina

    • #3896195

      Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      by joe giaquinto ·

      In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      1. As mentioned before, check the references. For example, Access 97 uses the 8.0 object library while Access 2000 uses 9.0. In the VB editor, check for missing references under Tools/References. You can re-reference the new objects by clicking the checkbox next to the appropriate object.

      2. Here’s a syntax gotcha…
      For Access 97 (DAO 2.5x/3.5x): OpenDatabase
      For Access 2000 (DAO 3.6x): DAO.OpenDatabase

      3. Try rebuilding the project by exporting your data, forms, modules and then importing them into the new DB.

      4. Use late binding (create objects as needed rather than explicitly referring to their object libraries.)

      5. Avoid running 97 and 2000 on the same machine.

      • #3894397

        Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

        by mcorr ·

        In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

        1. Already did that, didn’t help.
        2. Don’t use direct DB access, used queries instead.
        3. I tried that, but it gave the same error on the splash screen.
        4. I am familar with this concept in other more OO languages, but how does this apply here? Do you create and place the buttons run time? I didn’t really use any structures or user-defined objects.
        5. Of course, that would be against the Will of Bill.

    • #3896194

      Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      by fschmude ·

      In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      Did you compact the database before converting? This is necessary.

    • #3896707

      Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      by dposton ·

      In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      If you want to keep your code intact
      Do this
      Add DAO to each Dimensioned statement
      like so:
      Dim rst as DAO.Recordset
      instead of
      Dim rst as Recordset
      Make sure you have the DAO 3.6 version checked as suggested above.

    • #3783647

      Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      by mcorr ·

      In reply to Conversion of Access 97 to 2000

      I asked a similar question about a month ago, and the best responses are below. I was never able to convert the database, and just left it in 97. Good luck.

      1. Compact database before converting.
      2. Check DAO references: in 2000 all DAO references must be preceded by “DAO”. i.e. DAO.OpenRecordSet.
      3. Try importing your old database into an empty 2000 database.
      4. Don’t run Access 2000 and Access 97 on the same PC.

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