
  • Creator
  • #2144523

    CPU upgrade

    by angel cebollero ·


    Hey so I have a am3+ motherboard and a AMD fx 6200 and I wanted to upgrade but I heard that the fx’s were out of date basically. Are they still good or should I look for a different series or a different one in general? (The one I was looking at getting was the amd fx 9590)

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All Answers

  • Author
    • #2423627

      Desktop Upgrade

      by hywin artz ·

      In reply to CPU upgrade

      Before upgrading u need to be clear about the Purpose
      & configuration doesn’t meant core Processor itself u have upgrade lots of things ur question lack a lots of details

    • #2423626

      Desktop Upgrade Question Detailed Example

      by hywin artz ·

      In reply to CPU upgrade

      2 GB AMD RADEON R5 200 series SAPPHIRE Graphic card
      AMD 8 Core Processor, GiGaByte Ultra Durable N6853B Mother Board
      1 TB WD BLUE HDD and Samsang SDD 120 GB for C Drive,
      HyperX Fury 8GB DDR3 1866MHz CL10 DIMM Desktop Memory (HX318C10F/8)

      I work with Differnt Photo, Sound and Video Editing Softwares Like
      PS & AE I would like to know how to improve my performance for Faster,
      Effecient workflow without putting any Heavy pressure on my PC?

      Can we
      2 CPU’s
      for 1 OS?

    • #2423479

      Re: CPU upgrade

      by billyfeltrop ·

      In reply to CPU upgrade

      There are many AM3+ Processor models that you can utilize on your computer to fulfill your specific needs.
      If you want to upgrade AM3+ CPUs then check the following models which are currently on the top.
      AMD FX-8350
      AMD FX-8370
      AMD FX-8300 Vishera

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