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  • #2117614

    Create Mount Points


    by mnkinfosys ·

    I am attempting to install oracle81 R.2(8.1.6) for sun SPARC Solaris. Being very new to the unix environment, I am not sure what to do when the Oracle installation guide instructs me to create mount points. How do I do this?

    Thank you in advance for you help.

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  • Author
    • #3671700

      Create Mount Points

      by ken.cunningham ·

      In reply to Create Mount Points

      Mount points are required to install things such as ORACLE_HOME into. Basically they’re usually just top level directories created with mkdir from the root directory and added to the /etc/vfstab file so that the filesystems concerned are mounted automatically on startup. Of course, this assumes you’ve already created the filesystems with enough space using format to partition your disks and newfs to create the filesystems themselves. The latter procedures are a bit detailed/complex to go into here, but the website should be able to help you there. Hope this helps, good luck!

    • #3697351

      Create Mount Points

      by cc.chang ·

      In reply to Create Mount Points

      When you mount a directory for ORACLE_HOME, you must change owner to oracle
      and change group name to dba.
      #chown oracle $ORACLE_HOME
      #chgrp dba $ORACLE_HOME

    • #3811829

      Create Mount Points

      by mnkinfosys ·

      In reply to Create Mount Points

      This question was closed by the author

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