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  • #3965976

    Creating a PST file with PowerShell

    by Jctech2025 ·

    My Exchange account is in O365. I am trying to create a PST file with PowerShell. If I go into Outlook, in the export settings I can see the ability to export to PST as always. I trying to accomplish the same task using powershell. Has anyone been about to successfully carry this out? Helpful blogs? I feel this has had to have been done before, I know I have done this in the past.

    Thank You

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    • #3965981
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      Frankly? No. Why?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Creating a PST file with PowerShell

      Because Windows 10 and 11 don’t have such ability at the command line. HOWEVER long ago I was working on apps that work with Office if Office was installed on the PC in question. An app could be created by a programmer to do this at the command line but no one I know bothered since there was no good reason to create such. That may upset those that think that all apps have been written?

      Possible? Yes, but not without Office and an app.

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