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  • #4282847

    Current trend for Licensing and enforcement.

    by steven_v_brown ·

    What are considered the best practices for licensing and billing enforcement for custom written Windows Services?

    Why am I asking?
    I’ve been working in a corporate infrastructure for 10+ years.
    I am now coding a few Windows Services ideas that have been a benefit to me for throughout my career.

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    • #4282948
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      Can you explain?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Current trend for Licensing and enforcement.

      How would “Windows Services” be any different from the run of the mill apps and services?

      All my apps were done for various companies to spec. About the only thing I would be sure to add was that once delivery was accepted then any bugs uncovered later were not covered by any warranty. No need to be a slave in today’s world.

      • #4283028

        Reply To: Current trend for Licensing and enforcement.

        by steven_v_brown ·

        In reply to Can you explain?

        Challenges encountered in large, secured corporate environments are that many servers are effectively run “off the internet” including fundamental patching services (performed by other intranet based sites and services). Concern also extends to unethical leadership that would purchase of single server license and apply to many servers.

        This is one environmental example where using internet based applications and services has been a challenge due to firewalls, ACLs, Policies, etc.

        Any references for todays Best Practices would be greatly appreciated.

        • #4283038
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          I didn’t read an answer to my question.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Reply To: Current trend for Licensing and enforcement.

          So I googled your top question and there’s plenty to read.

          Do that and see if you can use what’s there on the Internet.

          More> As to the firewalls and more, that’s part of the Cybersecurity discussion. I can share one example where the company IT interfered with our group’s work which is to write drivers. We had to move to a work from home system until we had the IT lead deposed. If security breaks the company then a deep discussion with the rule makers and company owners follows.

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