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  • #2123688

    Custom Program Written in Access 2000


    by hettymedia ·

    What does one specifically need to add to a program written in Access 2000 to make it multi-user compatible? Is this information widely available in a book? What would happen to the existing data in this program (now entered by one user) if many enter information at the same time? The number of users potentially may grow to 10.

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    • #3629234

      Custom Program Written in Access 2000

      by dklippert ·

      In reply to Custom Program Written in Access 2000

      This is a common use of Access. The records can be protected, or users can be allowed to make changes.
      Most of the “3 inch thick” books have information on this. I like Que books.
      There is a very good description of the process in (of all places) the help file.
      Use the word “multiuser” as the search word. One particularly good topic is “Share an Access database on a network.

    • #3553397

      Custom Program Written in Access 2000

      by glenda gable ·

      In reply to Custom Program Written in Access 2000

      I agree.. the QUE books are great. Technically you dont need to ADD anything to make it a multi-user database. Access automates a number of activites. Of course the database would have to be on a network or shared drive for other users to access it.

      Setting up a security file is fairly easy using the Security Wizard. Having a book to step you through it does help, but you can also use (Go under Support>> Knowledge Base). I use this as a helpful tool LOTS!

      The easiest way to use the security file is to put an icon on everyone’s desktop pointing to the database and security file. If you choose this option just email me and I will help out with what you type in the “Target” line of the Properties for the icon.
      If you have a smarter user, they could still get into the database without the security, so this isnt always the best option. I guess it just depends on how well you trust your co-workers.

      I will be more than happy to help more if you need it.Just email me at

    • #3570472

      Custom Program Written in Access 2000

      by hettymedia ·

      In reply to Custom Program Written in Access 2000

      This question was closed by the author

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